Shredding Nation Ty’s Top 5: Most Diverse

Ty’s Top 5: Most Diverse


5.) Mike Campese – GIT honors grad and solo artist Mike Campese is guy that not too many people have really heard of. Some of what the things I feel are pretty unique about him are his intervallic lines and his melodies in general. He has released his music ranging from pop instruments, neoclassical metal, fusion, acoustic instrumentals, and now Christmas music. I can’t even imagine what’s next.



4.) Shawn Lane – The late Shawn Lane brought a lot to the table as a musician. He could throw down some great rock guitar, amazing jazz and fusion guitar, and play authentic Indian classical music. Overall he had a very unique phrasing and style. Oh, did I mention on his first album he played all of the instruments? That’s guitars, keyboards, bass and drums, the whole nine yards.


3.) Alex Skolnick – Veteran guitarist Alex Skolnick is an absolutely amazingly driven musician. He hit it big with his thrash band Testament in the 80’s, left them to study jazz and started his jazz project, Alex Skolnic Trio, and the joined the Christmas metal project that is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. His diversity alone is so amazingly impressive I couldn’t have kept him off this list.


2.) Marty Friedman – Most people know Marty Friedman from his days in Megadeth. A few years back he left to pursue his love of J-Pop, which is Japanese pop music. As strange as this may sound, when you consider the exotic flavor and fantastic phrasing and melody of Friedman’s playing, it was an obvious route. If you thought he had some amazing exotic shred and unique solo’s in Megadeth, you should check out how far he has come in Japan.


1.) Steve Vai – Does this even require explanation? Steve Vai is the master of guitar. He used to be a transcriber for Frank Zappa, then he played with Zappa, did a stint in Whitesnake, plays on tons of records, and releases solo albums. He writes the most interesting music you’d ever want to hear, shreds like hell, writes killer melodies and very complex harmonies, and composes modern classical music. Vai is truly a master musician.